About me...

First of all... welcome!

My name is Danielle and I am the owner of DCP DESIGNS my initials spell DCP which is where the name 'DCP DESIGNS' came from. I wanted the name as 'designs' so I can expand further in the future! Being the owner I do it all... solo! From admin to advertising to creating, packing & shipping I do it all.


So where it all began... my grandad (my mums dad) was diagnosed with dementia in 2019. In 2020 he become more severe and was moved into a specialist care home during the pandemic. Due to covid we were unable to see him and this led to him forgetting all of his family sooner than we'd thought. 

January 2021 he passed away. Due to the pandemic my mum had only 1 or 2 photos of him and none of them together...this led me to looking at what I could do to help. I did lots of research and ended up making a memorial print for my mum.

 I created people to look like her and my grandad with wings, she opened it and she cried. She loved it.

I then posted a photo on social media (mainly Facebook at the time) and many people liked it, a lot of people asked me to make them one and it really started from there. I started selling on Facebook and then a month or two later opened my own website. 

July 2021 I took to TikTok and WOW! I had many videos go viral and hit 10k followers in no time... I had 55 orders in just a few hours I was shocked. This continued over the summer. 

September 2021 I returned to my full time job and continued working on my small business on the side, I had many orders coming in for Christmas. I took a step back and realised... life is too short, take the risk. So November 2nd 2021, I handed in my NOTICE! To the only job I had since I was 18. November 30th was my last day. 

January 2022 I become fully self employed, running my own business. Im so proud of myself, Im so thankful to everyone who supports my business and i'd like to say my grandad has a massive part to play in my journey. 


I have lost a lot of people I love and creating these prints for others who have been through the same makes me feel like I have helped, just a little bit. 

Danielle xox